Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Just Lagom

('Lagom' is a Swedish concept that has no adequate direct translation in English. It has connotations of 'just right,' 'enough,' 'average,' 'in moderation,' 'so-so,' and maybe even 'lukewarm.')

How much justice is enough?

For fear of overdoing it, I have decided to stop trying to have a passion for justice and just take a polite interest in justice instead.

First of all, the highest virtue to which a good Christian girl can attain is 'niceness.' (Besides of course chastity, which in the case of females is synonymous with 'virtue'.) Justice and niceness are not always compatible, and I have been criticized on more than one occasion for my failure at the latter when attempting to pursue the former. (One could argue that having a passion for justice is an aid to chastity--or at least celibacy--in Christian circles. As is, I am thoroughly unmarriageable and probably a heretic.)

Second, everybody knows that only men really understand anything serious, important, or complicated about the world like money or power or politics or God or evil. For centuries, men have been running the world just fine with very little assistance from women (at least when it comes to calling the shots and writing the story afterward) and if anything really needs to be thought, said, or done the men will see to it like they always have. I would just be in the way. It's cute that I like vegetables and care about the malnourished children, but the sooner I grow up and realize that the problems are too big and you can't really change anything (especially not if you are a girl) the more comfortable everyone will be. (Aside: Unlike when pursuing justice, failure at niceness when attempting to pursue comfortableness is perfectly acceptable.)

The end.


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