Monday, September 17, 2007

Pop Quiz

Paul Revere and Davy Crockett were:
a. guys with funny hats.
b. heroes.
c. rebel guerillas.
d. both a and c.

Hugo Chavez should be:
a. a busboy.
b. a migrant worker.
c. assassinated.
d. nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Extra credit for anyone who can pick out the propaganda in this article (click here).

No Child Left Behind is in no way, shape, or form a coercive government tactic invented by the Bush regime to impose neo-con ideology in the classroom by threatening punitive funding cuts on those unwilling or unable to comply with nationalization of curriculum and Washington oversight of the classroom. Standardized testing is not a vehicle for capitalist indoctrination. That is what televisions and Yahoo! news articles are for. Blackmail enforcement of teaching to multiple choice performance is merely a way to prevent rogue educators from having time to encourage the development of "critical thinking" skills, which are a threat to our way of life. Socialists hate freedom and progress and therefore want their children to think of themselves as citizens rather than consumers. If values of "cooperation and solidarity" and promotion of dialogue were to infiltrate American society, this would undermine the sacred principles of individualism, hierarchy, and competition on which civilization is founded.


Blogger Amanda said...

Dear Ingrid, fun to find your blog. Hope you have fun with Jenny, Michael and Melker. How did the marathon go? Or maybe you haven't run it yet? You are always welcome to Sweden. We could have lots of fun with Scrabble, Marabou, and I swear, we don't have to go shopping. I try to avoid shopping as much as possible lately.

September 27, 2007 7:07 PM  

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